Reverse the Signs of Aging
Forever Young BBL is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage and effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance. Forever Young BBL treats a wide variety of conditions. For skin rejuvenation, Forever Young BBL removes age spots, freckles, redness, small vessels and more. Forever Young BBL can also be used to reduce unwanted hair and control active acne.
Forever Young BBL clinical study
In 2012, researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine found that BBL Forever Young was able to reverse the signs of aging and actually cause skin cells to behave younger. The study used three test groups:
older people with sun-damaged and aged skin
older people with sun-damaged skin who had three BBL treatments during three months
young people who never underwent BBL treatment
The researchers examined the older patients treated with BBL and found that their cells went back to the state of the younger skin cells. The study was published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
Look as young as you feel!
Physicians have determined patients treated with Forever Young BBL over the past nine years:
- Appeared not to have aged over the nine years.
- Looked on average ten years younge than their actual age.

Immediate Results
You will see immediate results for multiple conditions:
- Pigmented lesions, such as freckles and age spots
- Vascular lesions, such as red blemishes including spider veins and rosacea
- Hair Removal
- Skin Texture
- Acne

Before & After: Age 43, Pre-Forever Young BBL & Age 55, Post-Forever Young BBL
Benefits of Photofacial Rejuvenation
1. It is effective on all body areas, such as the face, chest, neck, arms, hands and legs.
2. Forever Young BBL requires no downtime. Patients can resume normal activities immediately post-treatment.
3. It is a fast treatment. The treatment takes approximately 12-15 minutes for the full face.
4. It offers long-lasting results. Studies contain patients who were treated more than 10 years ago and found that patients still had visible improvement.
5. This treatment makes the skin look clearer, smoother and younger.
Improvement is progressive, but the skin can feel smoother and have improved tone even after the first treatment. Many patients experience dramatic results after 1-2 treatments. For optimal results, it is recommended to have 3-5 treatments at four to eight week intervals.
Minor swelling and redness are sometimes noted after the treatment, but they usually subside in a couple of hours. Some dark spots may become darker, but this will resolve within about 10 to 14 days. Hot or cold water, shaving, swimming pools and spas, exfoliant creams, soaps, acne creams or gels, aggressive scrubbing and activities that make you sweat a lot should be avoided until sensitivity has completely subsided. If the treated area is warm, a cold compress or an ice pack can be used. Vitamin E or aloe vera can be used to provide a soothing effect. Apply an antibiotic ointment to minimize the risk of infection. Avoid any exposure to sun for a minimum of 7 days after the treatment because the treated area is prone to sunburn and pigmentation change. Always wear a high SPF sunscreen when outdoors and reapply the sunscreen every two hours. For optimum results, it is also recommended to use after-care skin care products customized to your skin type.
Photodynamic Therapy
In addition to Forever Young BBL, we also offer photodynamic therapy.
ALA Activated Photofacial
Aminolevulinic acid Photodynamic Therapy, or ALA PDT, is an effective new method of enhancing light therapy. Dr. Mahmood Kara offers ALA and PDT photo rejuvenation in Toronto and Whitby for patients who need enhanced laser and light treatments.
ALA PDT: Who's a Good Candidate?
ALA PDT is a form of enhanced photodynamic light therapy. A product containing aminolevulinic acid is spread on your face. Then, a photodynamic light treatment is used to activate the aminolevulinic acid. Combining the aminolevulinic acid with photodynamic therapy means that the two can work together for better results.
A photofacial in Toronto with ALA PDT is quickly becoming a standard treatment for:
- acne vulgaris
- photorejuvenation
- actinic keratoses (AK's)
- rosacea
- sebaceous gland hyperplasia
When a combination of aminolevulinic acid and light therapy is offered to patients with acne vulgaris, it may mean that other topical treatments and oral medications have failed to produce results.
At a Glance
- Price Please call for pricing
- Recovery None
- Length Of Treatment 1 hour or more
- Back To Work Immediately
During your ALA PDT treatment, an aminolevulinic acid product is applied to your skin. This is a photosensitizing agent; it allows the light therapy to penetrate your skin deeply. After some time (30 minutes to two hours later), a light treatment is applied. Light treatments can be a laser or blue light (which kills acne bacteria), such as the BLU-U® acne treatment in Toronto. The type of light treatment used depends on the skin condition that Dr. Kara is treating.
A topical anesthetic may be applied to reduce discomfort.
Based on your skin, Dr. Kara will advise either one or two treatment sessions.
Aftercare for ALA PDT
Immediately following ALA PDT, you will notice redness, swelling, and possibly dry or crusty areas of your face. This is a normal skin reaction to the treatment. These will fade in one to two weeks, revealing your results.
After ALA PDT photo facial in Toronto, it is important to protect your skin from the sun with sunscreen. ALA PDT makes your skin very sensitive to the sun. Using sun protection will help prevent future photodamage.

A high success rate
For our photodamage patients, more than 90% achieve outstanding results. Most of the patients treated for sebaceous gland related conditions achieve greater than 75% improvement. Most patients see decreased oily skin, pore reduction, and improvements in smoothness and texture.